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Farewell Google AdWords, Hello Google Ads: Google Re-brands Ad Offerings

Google, just like our world, is ever-changing. 

After nearly 20 years, Google announced on Wednesday it will be officially retiring the AdWords brand for good -- replacing it with Google Ads, “a simpler brand and solution”, said Sridhar Ramaswamy, Senior VP of Ads and Commerce in a blog post.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Google AdWords is now Google Ads
  • DoubleClick will be integrated with Analytics 360 to make Google Marketing Platform 
  • DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange will be integrated and named Google Ad Manager Google Ads has a new, simpler interface with new features, including a campaign type specifically for small businesses leveraging machine learning
  • All of these changes will be rolled out in July 2018 

This is part of a larger change involving their second most recognizable brand DoubleClick, in which Google will be consolidating its ad products into three brands: Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, and Google Ad Manager.

The re-brand comes after years of consistent feedback scrutinizing the plethora of Google ad products and brands, and the confusion this growing yet largely fragmented suite of products could cause for advertisers.

"As the opportunity to engage customers and consumers has grown and become more complex, we are simplifying our products for advertisers and publishers of all sizes so they can more easily reach consumers anywhere, at any moment and on any channel," Ramaswamy said.

“The opportunity has never been more exciting, but it’s also never been more complex. That’s why today we are introducing simpler brands and solutions for our advertising products: Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform, and Google Ad Manager”.

DoubleClick, the ad network bought by Google in 2008 for over $3 billion, will be integrated with Google Analytics 360 to make up the Google Marketing Platform.

And, for the past 3 years, Google has worked to integrate DoubleClick for Publishers with DoubleClick Ad Exchange in a unified, programmatic platform called Google Ad Manager.

So what does this mean for brands currently using Google ad products?

A few things, including an updated Google Ads interface with additional features and a new campaign type that leverages machine learning, created specifically for small businesses.

And although Google is quick to point out the need for a more unified advertising solution in the face of increasingly complex buying processes’ and consumer behavior, this restructure could also signal a broader shift in which Google focuses heavily on smaller businesses.

Expect to see these changes rolled out in the next 4 weeks.

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